Calvary Chapel Silverdale



Our vision is to be used of God for the purpose of His glory and His plan for our community and beyond. We do this by intentionally and purposefully gathering corporately and in small groups to worship God, unconditionally love all people, and seek to live out and extend the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, through Jesus Christ.


  • Micah 4: The Lord Will Redeem You

    31/03/2019 Duración: 37min

    Pastor Peter is taking us through the powerful chapter of Micah 4. In it we see the reality that Christians get to live into, namely the coming Kingdom that God will establish. Even in the midst of great tragedy, Lord refocuses our hearts and minds, reminding us what is really important. Listen in and be encouraged through the teaching of God's word.

  • Micah 3: Temptation to Call Evil Good and Good Evil

    24/03/2019 Duración: 38min

    What a desperate time that Micah lived in. A time in which all of government and the religious leaders were corrupt and seeking their own good. It might sound like there are similar parallels to our day. A time in which many people called evil good and good evil. God had something to say about that, just like God has something to say about that today. Listen in as Pastor Pete teaches from Micah 3.

  • Micah 2: The Good Word of the Lord

    17/03/2019 Duración: 38min

    Pastor Peter Voorhees brings through the second chapter of Micah. Micah calls out the oppressor and the religious opposition. Amongst judgement and difficult passages, we see that there is always hope. There is always hope in God. Listen in as Pastor Pete brings us Micah 2 that declares there is hope for the hopeless.

  • Micah 1B: The Testimony of God

    10/03/2019 Duración: 44min

    Pastor Peter Voorhees leads us in the first chapter of Micah. Micah is testifying to both the Northern and Southern Kingdoms of Israel (and Judah). The call of the prophet is to bring people to the heart of God. Micah is no different as he calls out to the people live in the world but reject the ways of the world. Pastor Pete shares with us that there is freedom in repentance, humility, and God's grace.

  • Micah 1A: The Word of God

    03/03/2019 Duración: 39min

    Pastor Josh opens us up in the book of Micah looking at the first few verses. The word of God is powerful. When God speaks we should listen. How does God speak? How has God spoken? Pastor Josh answers these very important questions. Listen in as the first few verse of Micah are a great spring board into deep and significant questions about the word of God.

  • Jonah 4: God In Our Midst

    24/02/2019 Duración: 39min

    Pastor Peter finishes up the book of Jonah this morning. What a great book that reminds us that God is near and whether we find ourselves in rebellion, or lost, or hurting, God initiates and pursues us. We have a redeemer who has dwelt amongst us and has called us into a relationship with Himself. Listen in and be encouraged by the last chapter of the book of Jonah where God's mercy, goodness, holiness, and love are on full display.

  • Jonah 3: When God Relents

    17/02/2019 Duración: 40min

    Pastor Peter leads us through Jonah 3 this morning. Jonah is a powerful book that reveals God's heart for people. With a reluctant prophet who is in rebellion not wanting to deliver God's message to a wayward people. Jonah is in the belly of the fish in chapter 3, listen in as Pastor Peter leads us through our text this morning.

  • Jonah 2: Prayer From The Deep

    03/02/2019 Duración: 41min

    Pastor Pete is leading us through Jonah's prayer that was offered up in the belly of the great fish. Listen in and be encouraged of God's relentless, abundant hope and grace that is on display. God moves in the midst of darkness, death, and horrible circumstance and brings new and abundant life.

  • Jonah 1B: The Relentless Hope

    27/01/2019 Duración: 35min

    Pastor Pete picks up in the book of Jonah in verse 4 through verse 16. God is good and the will of God is good. Even in the midst of the storm, God's will and purposes are accomplished. Listen in and be encouraged by the relentless hope that is on display in the book of Jonah.

  • Jonah 1a: Turning Towards Tarshish

    20/01/2019 Duración: 36min

    Pastor Josh Lott introduces us to the book of Jonah. Listen in as Pastor Josh gives us context to the setting of the book and challenges us in the relentless pursuit of God after us and our enemies.

  • Growing & Planting

    13/01/2019 Duración: 43min

    Pastor Pete gives us a mid-year update on the vision that was cast in September of 2018. Calvary Chapel of Silverdale is embarking on a vision larger than itself. God is calling us to follow Him in obedience to Himself and His mission. Listen in and be encouraged by the progress made in only a few months. We are looking with great anticipation to the future!

  • Obadiah: Breaking The Cycle

    06/01/2019 Duración: 38min

    God's word to Obadiah was to confront Edom with the mistreatment of the people of Israel as they were fleeing the invasion of the Babylonians. God cares a lot about how we treat others. When bitterness and unforgiveness set in, it provokes actions that are in opposition to God. Listen in as Pastor Pete unpacks the book of Obadiah and how it relates to us as followers of Jesus.

  • The Greatest Gift (Part 4)

    23/12/2018 Duración: 33min

    Pastor Dave shares with us about how life is a gift and the gift giving of our lives. We might not think we have much to offer God when we consider who He is and what He has done for us. But be encouraged as Pastor David leads us through what God desires from us as His children.

  • The Greatest Gift (Part 3)

    16/12/2018 Duración: 33min

    Nathan leads us in the third gift of the wisemen that came to visit Jesus while He was in Bethlehem. Myrrh is a unique gift that the wisemen would have given the toddler Jesus. Listen in and be encouraged by the significance of this gift and what it tells us about the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

  • The Greatest Gift (part 2)

    09/12/2018 Duración: 44min

    Pastor Josh leads us into a deeper dive of the gift of gold that the wise men brought Jesus. Why gold? Why bring Him that gift? What was the significance and purpose? Pastor Josh leads us through a powerful and insightful study of the Christ child and the gifts of the wise men. The second study in our advent series, "The Greatest Gift".

  • The Greatest Gift (part 1)

    02/12/2018 Duración: 38min

    Pastor Pete leads us off on our Christmas series this year, "The Greatest Gift". Using Matthew 2:1-12 as our text, Pastor Pete shares with us that God is a good gift giver. He initiates the gift giving and the wise men respond by bringing gifts to Jesus. Over the next few weeks we'll be looking at the gifts of the wise men and the gift of Jesus.

  • Amos 8-9: Broken Only To Be Restored

    25/11/2018 Duración: 47min

    Pastor Pete concludes our study in the book of Amos this week. Amos shares the remaining visions he received. We find that even in judgment God brings restoration. Listen in as we finish up the book of Amos.

  • Amos 7: Setting A Plumb Line

    18/11/2018 Duración: 41min

    Pastor Pete takes us through Amos 7 with three visions given to Amos. The third vision is that of a plumb line. It's easy to compare ourselves to each other, but God has set a standard in Himself. Listen in as Pastor Pete encourages us to look to Jesus as God's plumb line and to claim the righteousness of Jesus for our own.

  • Amos 6: Three Woes and Three Answers

    11/11/2018 Duración: 29min

    Pastor Josh Lott leads us through Amos 6 as we see Amos pronouncing three woes. God's heart continues to work towards restoration, even in the midst of judgment. Listen in as Pastor Josh leads us through scripture, uncovering God's heart towards His people, Israel.

  • Amos 5b: Worship

    04/11/2018 Duración: 36min

    Nathan is leading us today into the last half of Amos chapter 5. God despised the sacrifice and feasts of the Israelites. He didn't want empty religious performance, but wanted their hearts. Words, actions, and intent matters. Listen in as Nathan leads us through the later half of Amos chapter 5, teaching us about true worship, the worship God desires from His people.

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